Visit to UK by Sultan of Muscat and Oman
FO 371/114767 1955Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- The Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur's stay in Egypt (24)
- Programme for the Sultan's visit to Britain (25-26, 28, 35)
- Brief for the Foreign Secretary ahead of his luncheon with the Sultan (27)
- Post received by the Sultan in London (29)
- Arrangements for the Sultan's return journey, including an offer of hospitality from the Ruler of Bahrain Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa (30, 33)
- Search for a tutor for the Sultan's son Qaboos Bin Saeed Al Said and John de Courcy Ling's failed application (31, 36, 40, 45-46)
- Greetings to the Sultan on the occasion of Eid (32)
- Message from the Sultan to his Minister of Internal Affairs Sayyed Ahmad Bin Ibrahim, expressing disapproval of certain suggestions made by him (34)
- The Sultan's visit to Baghdad, where the British provoked discussion of the situation regarding the Imam of Oman Ghalib Al Hina'i (37)
- Round-up of the Sultan's visit to Britain (38)
- The Sultan's request for a university graduate to act as secretary to deal with his English correspondence. It includes correspondence with the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. J A B Cahill, D C Stanley, R A Izard, R L Bidwell, A D Beesley and W E Murdie are recommended for the post (39, 41-42, 44, 47-48, 50)
- Proposed visit by the Governor of Aden T Hickinbotham to the Sultan of Muscat (43)
- Rumours that the Ruler of Kuwait Sheikh Abdulla Al Salem Al Sabah intends to visit Cairo and British concerns that this is politically inadvisable (51)