Visit to UK by Sultan of Muscat and Oman
FO 371/114766 1955Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Petition from the family of the late Sayyed Mohammad Bin Turki to the Sultan of Muscat and Oman Saeed Bin Taimur enquiring whether or not they are recognised as one of the two pillars of the present Ruling Family and questioning their treatment. The family also wrote to Foreign Secretary Harold Macmillan and the Queen (2)
- The Sultan's travel and accommodation arrangements for an unofficial visit to London via Salalah, Port Said and Marseille (3-5)
- The Sultan's desire for the trip not to be publicised. He does not want his people to be aware he has gone (6)
- Details of the military demonstrations planned for the Sultan's visit (7)
- The Sultan's desire for the visit to be informal and to see the UK outside London (8)
- Search for a tutor for the Sultan's son Qaboos Bin Saeed Al Said (9)
- Arrangements for the Sultan to luncheon with the Queen, which is to strengthen Britain's relations with him. It includes a brief prepared for Her Majesty (10, 12, 16-17)
- Plans for the Sultan to visit Scotland Yard (11)
- The Sultan's request to meet the British Council and to discuss the minting of dollars and investments (12)
- Arrangements for the Sultan to visit Upper Hockenden Farm in Swanley (14)
- Arrangements for the Sultan to visit the Royal Mint and a brief for a meeting on proposed coinage for Muscat (15)
- Arrangements for the Sultan to luncheon with the Foreign Secretary (18)
- The Sultan declining to meet Emile Bustani (19)
- The Sultan's visit to Baghdad to enlist Iraqi support against Saudi Arabia. It includes details about his travel arrangements (20, 22-23)
- The Sultan's arrival at Suez on board MV British Chancellor and the expenses involved (21)