Dangerous drugs regulations in Persian Gulf and Trucial States: trafficking in drugs and narcotics
FO 371/114756 1955Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Proposed dangerous drugs regulation in Kuwait (11)
- Proposed visit of an anti-narcotics expert to Kuwait and Bahrain (12)
- Suspected drug trafficking by three Qatari brothers who have frequently visited or have visas throughout the region, including Karachi, Bombay, Cairo, Kenya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Aden. One of the brothers is a customs officer (13-15)
- Legislating for powers of search in advance of the draft dangerous drugs regulations. This is prompted by Kuwaiti concerns that drugs are smuggled by crews on the ships and tankers using the Mina Al Ahmadi jetty (16-17)
- Suggestion to use the Singapore Narcotics Bureau in connection with Kuwaiti drug trafficking, in preference both to the Arab League Narcotics Bureau and the US offer to investigate (18-19)
- Kuwait Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Regulation, 1955 [enclosed] (20-22)
- Proposed visit of narcotics expert H M N W Richardson to Kuwait and Bahrain on his return to Singapore to advise on narcotics control and intelligence (23-24)
- Proposed amendments to the Kuwait Dangerous Drugs Ordinance and the Queen's Regulation (25)
- Seizure of opium from SS Harold Sleigh, owned by H C Sleigh Limited in Australia, by the Bahrain Police and a request for improved liaison with the Home Office (26)