Dangerous drugs regulations in Persian Gulf and Trucial States: trafficking in drugs and narcotics

FO 371/114755 1955

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Introduction of dangerous drugs legislation in Kuwait, Qatar and the Trucial States based on a shortened version of the Bahrain ordinance (1)
  • Drafting and approval of the Bahrain Dangerous Drugs Regulation, 1955 (2-4, 8, 10)
  • Reports that opium was smuggled aboard MV Mosoil – an Esso tanker sailing under the Panama flag from Mina Al Ahmadi to Land's End – and aboard MV Goldmouth – a Shell tanker sailing to Gibraltar (5, 7)
  • Drafting and approval of the Trucial States Dangerous Drugs Regulation, 1955 [enclosed] (6, 9)