Special Police Officers regulations for Persian Gulf and Trucial States

FO 371/114734 1955

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • CVs of nine officers made redundant by the closure of the Special Branch responsible for security intelligence matters for British troops in Egypt: Arthur William Standen; Archibald Francis Thomson; Wilfred Humphrey; Philip Artfield; James Neddon; George Edmond Craig; William Terrence Turner; John Watson Wilson; and John Joseph Walsh (1)
  • Enquiry by Douglas Gee, presently with the Birmingham City Police Force, regarding vacancies in the Qatar Police Force (2)
  • Drafts of the Special Police Officers regulations for Bahrain, Kuwait and the Trucial States (3, 8-9, 11) An enquiry for information about any post in the Persian Gulf for which the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department for the Cyrenaica Government Peter Cowie Finlay could be considered. His CV is enclosed (4-5)
  • Visit to London of the Director of the Kuwait Police Department Jasim Qatami (6)
  • Bahrain's requirement for an ex-police officer, possibly from Sudan, to be put in charge of a recently formed armoured car squadron. It includes the 'Terms of Service' for the post (7)
  • Attendance of Superintendent J Briggs of the Qatar Police Force at a training course for sector controllers at the Civil Defence Staff College, Sunningdale (10)
  • CVs of six candidates for appointments with the Qatar Police Force: Kenneth Richard Marshall; John Mclauchlan; Arthur Nettleton; Peter John Platts; William Terrance Turner; and Richard Beckwith Webb (12)