Economic development programme for Trucial States
FO 371/114655 1955Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Request for further information and a rough chart showing the present financial position regarding Buraimi equipment, water consultation and other development projects in the Trucial States. It also contains a forecast of actual spending and/or commitments as of 24 January 1955 (1)
- Possible cancellation of a water drilling project and proposals to reallocate funds to the Dubai Hospital, the survey of Khor Al Fakkan [Khawr Fakkan] harbour, the school at Ras Al Khaimah, improvements to the Ruler of Sharjah's agricultural experimental station,and other Trucial States development projects (2)
- Political Resident in the Persian Gulf B A B Burrows' agreement for the proposed survey of Khor Fakkan harbour (3)
- Financial position of the Trucial States Development Scheme. The suggested programme is within budget (4-5)
- Development expenditure corrections and a query about hospital equipment calculations (6)
- Idea that useful agricultural development can be done in Ras Al Khaimah by drilling shallow wells and supplying pumps (7)
- Proposed expenditure for Trucial States development for 1955-6 and efforts to obtain Treasury approval. It also discusses the political advantage of development expenditure (8)
- Burrows' belief that a development programme is essential. He also comments on the discrepancy between what is spent by HMG in the Trucial States and what is forthcoming from the Colonial Development Fund in the protectorates (9)
- Burrows' desire to make an offer to the Agricultural Advisor to the Bahrain Government Dr Aubrey Van Ollenbach to act as consultant on agricultural development in the Trucial States (10)
- Three certificates of analysis of soils taken by Van Ollenbach and L W Huntington from Ras Al Khaimah, Haiwan and Nuwai in January 1955. Huntington also suggests a pattern of development for the Trucial States (11)
- Fee for Van Ollenbach to act as consultant, the work that the job will involve and the terms and conditions of his employment (12)
- Treasury's conditional approval of the Trucial States development programme for 1955/6 (13-15)
- Plans for Huntington and Van Ollenbach to start work as supervisor and consultant for the agricultural development scheme. The British Middle East Office also want Van Ollenbach to visit the Jordan Valley Research Station (16)
- Plans to purchase a Land Rover for Huntington (17, 19)
- Details of expenses and allowances for Huntington. It also contains his contract offer with terms and conditions (18)