Claims by Persia to Bahrain and Gulf islands of Abu Musa and Tamb: dispute between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia over sovereignty over islands in the Neutral Zone
FO 371/114640 1955Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Jordanian opposition and the reaction of the Arab League to Persia's [Iran] claim to the islands of Bahrain, Tamb [Greater Tunb], Little Tamb [Lesser Tunb] and Abu Musa (1-3)
- Egyptian opposition to Iran's claim (4)
- Cairo meeting of Arab Prime Ministers to tackle Iraq's affiliation with the Baghdad Pact. It also contains British concerns about their relationship with Bahrain (5)
- Britain's belief that Iran's claim to Bahrain is not an immediate danger and Britain should therefore refuse to enter discussions or to accept UN decisions contrary to British interests. It also discusses: the slave trade; the Persian Gulf Lighting Service and the issue of lighting and buoyage on the Persian coast; and Anthony Eden's consideration of a settlement to Iran's claim to the islands of Bahrain, Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa and Sharjah's claim to the island of Sirri (6)
- Landing of HMS Flamingo at Lesser Tunb (7)
- Book Bahrain Islands: A Legal and Diplomatic Study of the British-Iranian Controversy by Fereydoun Adamiyat (8)
- Conversation between the British Ambassador, Roger Stevens, and the Iranian Foreign Minister, Abdulla Entezam (9)
- Slim possibility of oil being found on the Tunb Islands and provision for Ras Al Khaimah receiving some of the profits if the islands are sold (10)
- Views of the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf B A B Burrows on the effect on Anglo-Iranian relations and cooperation in the Gulf against slavery, smuggling, opium cultivation and on lighting and buoyage (11)
- Civil aircraft and shipping traffic to and through Bahrain since the Iranian note about the right to control the landing of foreign aircraft and a dispute between Iranian and Bahraini operators about the four letter call sign for Bahrain. It contains a list of call signs used by the Iranian civil aviation department (12)
- Speech by Dr Jayazeri claiming Bahrain is part of Iran (13)
- Probable reaction of the Rulers of Ras Al Khaimah and Sharjah. It also comments on the defence of Abu Musa and Sirri (14)
- Summary of the present feeling in Iran about its claim to Bahrain and the political threat to Anglo-Iranian relations (15)
- Iranian concerns at the Turkish President's intention to land at Bahrain en route to Pakistan (16)
- Summary of arguments on which Iran's claim to Bahrain is based and Britain's counter-arguments (17)
- Question of evidence for an attempt by the Arab States and Iran to compose their differences over Bahrain at the expense of HMG (18)
- Proposals for the Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah Sheikh Saqr Bin Mohammad Al Qasimi to sell the Tunb Islands and for the Ruler of Sharjah Sheikh Saqr Bin Sultan Al Qasimi to relinquish his claim to Sirri if Iran abandons its claim to Abu Musa (19)
- Consideration of the method of handling Iranian claims to Bahrain before talks with them begin (20)
- Saudi Arabian request for the erection of a light by the Pacific Western Oil Company on the Qaru Island in the Kuwait Neutral Zone (21)
- Dispute between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia over islands in the Neutral Zone, including Farsi, Arabi, Hargus, Qran, Qraiyan, Janah, Jaraid and Maqta (22-23)