Formation of Trade Unions in Persian Gulf: strikes in Kuwait
FO 371/109947 1954Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Investigation into the identity and nationality of Ashraf Kamal after he made a speech at the World Federation of Trade Unions Congress in Vienna (1)
- Strike of Indian and Pakistani artisans living in the Jiwan Camp, Kuwait. It includes a report by C J Pelly and an appendix which lists the strikers' demands and their corresponding responses (2)
- Information about Pakistan national Ferez Khaurshed Unwalla, one of the ringleaders of the strike (3)
- Announcement by the Development Board in Kuwait that a Labour Committee will be formed and will replace the Permanent Labour Committee. Foreign Office keen to have a British Labour expert on the committee and have mentioned the matter to the Kuwait Oil Company (4-5)
- Formation of a union among employees of the Kuwaiti Government. Includes a copy of the union's constitution (6)