Judicial matters in Qatar: possibility of establishing joint courts and joint legislation
FO 371/109929 1954Description
This file contains:
- Correspondence relating to Judge Haines's visit to Dohah [Doha] and his conclusion that the idea of joint courts must be abandoned for the moment. Sheikh Ali Bin Abdulla Al Thani and Abdulla Darwish referred to a 1935 letter from Colonel T C Fowle in which, they allege, HMG agreed to the application of Sharia Law to foreigners. B A B Burrows cannot find any such statement. A 1935 letter from Fowle to the Ruler of Qatar and Sheikh Abdulla Bin Jasim Al Thani's reply are enclosed (1)
- Judge Haines' report regarding his visit to the Qatar Government court, his conversation with G M Hancock and his visit to the Ruler of Qatar regarding a joint system of law and related correspondence (2)
- Burrows letter to Anthony Eden reporting his discussion of the legal system in Qatar with Hancock and Sheikh Ali, and related correspondence (3)
- Judge Haines'sreport of his discussion with Hancock and Johnston regarding the Queen's regulations, traffic regulations, dangerous drugs, prison regulations, customs ordinance, harbour regulations, income tax law and air navigation regulations (4)
- 1938 letter from Howes (Political Agent, Bahrain) to Sheikh Abdulla Bin Jasim Al Thani and correspondence relating to Burrows' discussion with Hancock and Sheikh Ali (5-6)
- Correspondence relating to an inspection of court registers in Doha, including civil and criminal cases (7)