Cable and Wireless Limited: concessions in the Persian Gulf p.2

FO 371/109894 1954


Received in
This despatch surveys the position of Cable and
Wireless in the various Gulf States. Except in Bahrain
where there seems to be no problem for the moment,
the picture is rather gloomy.

2. Kuwait presents the principe difficulty, as a
position of dead-lock seems to have been reached. Has
anything come of the suggestion in Mr. Logan's letter
at EA 1431/5 that Cable and Wireless should send a
senior official to Kuwait to negotiate?


3. I think we may agree with Mr. Burrows' broad
conclusions that


(How disposed of)

(i) British prestige in the Gulf is involved

particularly as Cable and Wireless are known to be
controlled by Her Majesty's Government. The
provision of telephone and telegraph services has
come to be part of the British connexion with the
States and if the services provided are
unsatisfactory or are withdrawn this will
represent a weakening in our position in the Gulf.

(ii) Cable and Wireless can only maintain all their

functions in the Gulf if they are prepared to
regard them as a whole and to take the good
with the bad.

(iii) The problem should be thoroughly reviewed in

this light and a new effort made with the Rulers
to improve the position.

4. You will perhaps wish to send a copy of the
despatch to the G.P.0. Subject to this recommendations
a meeting with Cable and Wireless to discuss the
whole problem might be useful.



(C.T.E. Ewart-Biggs)

References to later relevant papers

June 1, 1954.

