Revenue of Kuwait; function of the Kuwait Investment Board
FO 371/109869 1954Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Conversation between Mr Playfair and Sir Mark Turner of Messrs Bensons about the alleged appointment of 'the mysterious Mr Robinson' as financial advisor in London to the Ruler of Qatar, concerns about the Kuwait Investment Board, and the investment of the state funds of Kuwait and Qatar (1)
- Idea of getting Kuwait to contribute to the 'Arab cause' (2)
- Baghdad radio report suggesting the Kuwaiti Government has invested in industrial and engineering development in Egypt, and an Egyptian Mail report (newspaper cutting enclosed) about the plans of Kuwaiti Sheikhs for a 24-storey hotel in Cairo (3)
- Finance department's suggestion to the Ruler of Kuwait about the proportion of his revenue that he might invest through the Investment Board in London. Also enclosed: Government of Kuwait statements of receipt and payments for the year 1953 and a draft directive from the Ruler of Kuwait to chairman of the Kuwait Investment Board (4)
- How the Kuwait Investment Board makes up its funds and whether it has shown any interest in colonial loans (5)
- Reports in Egyptian newspaper Observateur that suggests certain Amirs from Kuwait want to invest £1 million in Egypt (6)
- Possibility of Kuwait lending money to Iraq and Syria. It includes figures showing amounts invested in London since Kuwait's great increase in revenue (7)
- Approach by the Banque de Bruxelles to the National Bank of Kuwait for a loan of £500,000 (8-9)
- Suggestion that states and individuals in the Middle East be encouraged to invest their oil wealth in the UK and Empire/Commonwealth (10)