Demarcation of frontier between Kuwait and Iraq

FO 371/109846 1954

This file contains correspondence relating to:

  • Conversation with the Iraqi Prime Minister who is prepared to give Kuwait a piece of the Iraqi desert in exchange for the island of Warbah. He is anxious to keep friendly relations with Kuwait and did not think the frontier between the two countries need necessarily be demarcated (1)
  • Suggestion that much progress has been made over the Kuwait-Iraq water scheme, but another determined effort needs to be made to get Iraq to agree to delimit the Kuwait-Iraq frontier (2)
  • Discussion of demarcation of the Kuwait-Iraq frontier with Yusef Gailani and also with Dr Jamali. The latter at first took the line that Iraq still did not look upon Kuwait as a separate state, but afterwards seemed interested in the suggestion that a parallel might be established between the facilities on Iraq territory which Kuwait required for the water scheme, and those on Kuwait territory which Iraq may require for the port scheme (3)
  • Inaccuracy of the sketch map depicted in the interim and final report on the Shatt Al Arab Water Scheme from the Kuwait point of view (4)
  • Position of the boundary between Kuwait-Iraq close to Safwan (5)