Comments on the plan for sharing of oil profits between the Trucial States; offer by Sheikh of Abu Dhabi of 4% of his revenues from oil for a general fund. Code EA file 15326
FO 371/104412 1953Description
This file contains correspondence relating to:
- Petroleum Concessions drilling in Abu Dhabi with other exploration parties elsewhere in the territory. It is suggested that the problem raised on the distribution of profits or royalties from oil can be solved by devoting some of the profits derived from oil found anywhere on the Trucial Coast to the benefit of the Trucial States as a whole (1)
- Sharing of oil revenues between the Trucial States, and the progress made with the Ruler of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Shakhbut Bin Sultan Al Nahyan (2)
- Profit Sharing Agreement between the Trucial States, and certain proposals to clarify the position (3)
- Pirie-Gordon's approach to Sheikh Shakhbut on his contribution to a general fund of two percent of future oil revenues. The Sheikh has now granted four percent (4)