SECRET PAPERS PRODUCED BY SECTIONS OF RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, FOREIGN OFFICE, DURING NOVEMBER, 1948. ( The distribution of Research Department papers to Posts abroad is not automatic and Dopartments are asked to iníorm the Research Department (Miss Innes, Whitehall 6100, Ext. 25) of the posts to which any papers on this list should be sent). MIDDLE EAST SECTION. ?? 11 Political Parties in Cyrenaica. (ME/40/48). in Tripolitania. (1/41/48). Russian Policy in Middle East, 1770-1923. (ME/42/48). Arab Communists Collaboration with Jews. (ME/43/48). FAR EAST SECTION. Australian Interest in Indonesia. (INDO/5/8). GERMAN & AUSTRIAN SECTION. The competency and relations of Governmental Bodies in the combined economic area. (GER/91/48). Who's Who (Leading Personalities) in Russian Zone of Germany and Berlin. (GER/92/48). . AMERICAN SECTION. The Guiana Boundary Arbitration of 1896. (LAT/28/48). American Foreign Policy: Its constitutional background and present basic principles. (An article written for the Air Ministry Monthly Intelligence Summary). US/16/48). WESTERN SECTION. Elections in Yugoslav Zone in Tree Territory of Trieste, 1941 and 1945. (TRI/4/48). "A.B.C." of Portugal. (POR/2/48). 0