age 294 Registry OUTE No. 26196/6196/405 FO Top Secret. Secret. Confidential Restricted. Open to I nor Oct. 1948 Draft. British Middle East Dear Secretariat, office, bai. Your tel. no. et 14 of 23rd October about treaties with z (by first availing Persien Galf States and all fast fir beg) concessions in concessions in that aren. are were all the relevant treaties ragreemete except one contained in Aitchison's Treaties, copy of which is available at the at bairs. NOTHING TO BE WRITTEN IN THIS MARGIN. So fer ma اردو کا Vol. XI of TS plin Print Section Easternsgenfel) Acb. 28, 1945 Enbassy The exception Section 1 in the 5th Feb. 1939, (33654) Wt.14696/147 250,000 6/47 A. & E.W.Ltd. Gp.685 Treaty of Commerces havigation with the Sultan fernscat roman, regned at uuscat on and a copy of this as published in Treaty Series is enclosed. as regarde sie concessions, we think you will Eind useful the enclosed "Survey of the