6196 L L 1948 MISCELLANEOUS 16196/6196/405 Request for copy of all treates between Hill's Toernment the darious Persian Gulf States , & any B. M. E.O. area. Cairo information encerning oil Concessions in ho H17 28 25 October (Minutes.) Last Paper. ✓ References. 1. (Print.) wuch (How disposed of.) Treaties Except for the 1939 Treaty 1679 & Commerce & navigation with the Sultand Muscat romen I see Tocaty Seres ho, 29 /1939, Cand. 6034 attached), all the relevant treaties, agreements of we are aware are published in of BM GO . Seculomat "Critchison's Treaties, Vol. Xl, a (ain) from Library copy of which is available at the Embassy biti at bairs. 1st Nova 2. Oil Concessions , This in a matter for Eastern beft, who will perhaps Consider whether anything more than the 1945 Survey is required (see Conf. Print 16948 attached) buy 128/10/48 Eastern Hart I kanila that all (Action completed.) (Index.) medling mo 311 Als Hayward Next Paper, 26513 F.O.P