Visit by Margaret Thatcher, UK Prime Minister, to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman and Qatar, April 1981

FCO 8/3818 1981 Jan 01 - 1981 Dec 31

This file relates to a visit by the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to India, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE and Qatar. It contains correspondence regarding:

  • A suspected leak to the press about the visit to Abu Dhabi
  • The question of including Qatar in the visit in view of important commercial possibilities; consideration of any potential offence caused to Bahrain and Kuwait; and the question of thus announcing the visit to Qatar at the last minute
  • Plans for the Prime Minister to visit Bahrain and Kuwait at a later date
  • HMG officials’ pursuit of approval from the Rulers for the timing of the visit
  • Omani sensitivities concerning the order of the Prime Minister’s visits
  • Opposition to proposals for a delegation of business representatives accompanying the Prime Minister
  • Plans for the attendance of the Prime Minister at the Queen’s birthday party in Abu Dhabi
  • Arrangements for transport, accommodation, communications, entertainment, administration, protocol, and hairdressing
  • Coordinating interdepartmental briefing for the Prime Minister
  • The drafting of major speeches
  • The promotion of specific proposals and plans for cooperation in the Gulf, including defence sales, military, educational and cultural cooperation, and investment
  • Recent visits by British ministers and dignitaries to the Gulf
  • Figures for the number of British citizens, and the value of UK exports and imports to Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Oman
  • The giving and receiving of gifts; and the production of a photo album as a gift to King Khalid Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
  • Itinerary planning and arrangements
  • Arrangements for the Prime Minister’s husband and daughter, Denis Thatcher and Carol Thatcher
  • The preparation of briefings for social occasions, leading personalities, and speeches
  • The Prime Minister’s programme in Dubai and the question of her visiting the International Trade Centre and attending the ‘British Week’ opening ceremony at the Dubai Metropolitan Hotel
  • Visits to senior members of the Saudi Royal Family