Political situation in Oman p.74

FCO 8/2005 1972 Dec 31 - 1973 Dec 31

the historic palace of his distinguished ancesterSayyid Said bin Sultan, and to replace it with agargantuan oriental monstrosity, designed and now underconstruction by the Bombay firm of Shapoorji Palonji.The original cost of some RO 3.5 million has now risento over RO 7 million as more and more buildings areadded. He has also placed an order with Aspreys for£1.5 million for ornamental furnishings. At Seeb hebuilt a new palace designed by the British architectsPage and Broughton at a cost of RO 1.5 million. Thisis in excellent taste and would have provided a suitable- and, one would have thought, sufficient - place forentertainment as well as for living. He has, however,decided to add to it a guest palace, although there isalready a large one under construction in the newpalace complex in Muscat. There are also to be barracksfor a Royal Guard of some 750 men, stables for the

Sultan's horses, and a race course. Altogether a

further RO 11 million might be involved.

In Salalah

Qaboos has built a new "bungalow at a cost of aboutRO .25 million in addition to the palace on the seashore.4. Qaboos has maintained - to his critics in Omanitself - that the Sultan of Oman must be properlyhoused. However, in view of the tremendous upkeep costsand the criticism which his extravagence either arouses