COPY CONFIDENTIAL. The British Consulate, Muscat. 10 6/9/22/49 24th May, 1949. Sir, I have the honour to report that U.S.S. "Duxbury Bay" visited Muscat from May 20th to May 23rd. Captain O'Regan, Senior United States Naval Officer in the Persian Gulf was on board. 2. Captain O'Regan sent an officer to call on me on his arrival in order to arrange calls and so on. I took him to see Mr. Wood s-Ballard who arranged for a call on the Sultan the following morning. As the visit was informal, the Sultan, according to his usual practice, did not return the cali. 3. I had the senior officers to lunch, with the principal members of the British and both members of the American colony. We were hospitably entertained on board in return. 4. The visit did not lead to any unfortunate incidents such as took place last year when the "Greenwich Bay" was in Muscat. The only trouble was a fire which broke out on board during a cinema performance. Little harm was done except to alarm the American colony and his wife, who were watching the film, and to deprive us of a similar performance the following day. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, R. ELDON ELLISON. His Excellency The Political Resident, in the Persian Gulf, BAHRAIN.